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The power of words.
The power of intention.

One word when picked with intention can take on immense meaning within us.  


Take time to choose your word and find one that truly speaks to the heart of your wants and needs.  The perfect word can create a path to walk for a number of months.


Alongside the physical postures of yoga Rachel encourages her clients to utilize the power of matras and affirmations within their journey.


Rachel creates mantra art to cultivate a deeper connection to the self.  Intentionality is where a good deal of our power lies to create the life we wish to lead.  Finding a singular word to set the tone for a new beginning can be a most powerful thing.   


Set against a mandala background your word can find permanence within your journey ahead.  Mandalas symbolize a sense of wholeness and always feature an epicenter where all else ripples from.  Imagine your word as a new start, a new focal point where your new life could flow from.  Set your mandala within a space you see each day as a reminder to continually focus on your goals.  



While the new year is very symbolic and normal time to set new intentions for the new year before you, know that you can create a new path at any time of year you would want to.  Birthdays are a great time to set a new tone, as are other new beginnings, such as finishing school, new jobs, or beginning a health journey.


The best words are motivating and inspiring and can have various levels of meaning within your life.  A word chosen with intention should be multifaceted and carry depth within it's meaning to you.



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